
3 Steps to Starting and Running An Effective Remote Business

Do you dream of starting your own business, of having the perfect logo placed ever so carefully above your name on a business card? If so, these tips are for you. 

Starting your own remote business doesn’t have to be stressful, not if you follow these three tips! 

The No-Nonsense Remote Startup Guide

With the technology available today, it makes sense to create a remote company. In many ways, these startups offer fewer expenses and greater conveniences. 

Get yours going by following these quick suggestions. 

1. Provide a Solution

You’ve heard it before, but it’s so important it deserves mention. Provide a solution to a problem your customers or clients face. 

Do you have a new product that will make life easier? Maybe you’re offering a service that will expedite a usually-slow process? Whatever it is, check that you have a convenient solution to a dilemma your target audience faces. 

“It’s important to make your client’s life as easy as possible,” says a PR representative from Fort Collins Wedding Association. “Consider what you would want in their shoes, and then go above and beyond it.” 

2. Create a Communication Plan

Since you won’t see your employees or customers in person, it is integral you create a communication plan that considers your needs and what would be most convenient for your customers. 

Although remote businesses have the advantage of permitting employees to work from almost anywhere in the world, they also carry an inherent risk of disorganization. Emails go unanswered. Employees with pressing questions don’t know who to contact. Issues from customers and stakeholders aren’t resolved quickly. 

This is what kills a business. 

To avoid this painful demise, create a document providing the channels of communication before even thinking about kicking off your company. 

Outline information such as:

  • What communication channels to use and when
  • Daily communication expectations 
  • Timelines concerning business activities
  • Scheduled check-ins, meetings and reports 
  • Points of contact for pressing questions

Having a communication plan streamlines processes, letting your business run smoothly. 

3. Create a Business Plan

In addition to a communication plan, create a business plan. This should comprise the bulk of your efforts before opening your business. 


  • A company profile
  • A summary of the corporate culture and beliefs
  • An explanation of your product or service and what it offers to the customer
  • Company goals
  • Technological and remote requirements, such as centralized systems
  • Costs
  • Research about competitors
  • Marketing plans
  • A fail-safe plan

Although tedious, having a business plan makes it easier to find funding and puts you a step ahead of other entrepreneurs.

Prepare for Success

Starting a business is exciting, but it can also feel overwhelming. Don’t let the details get the best of you and make sure you’re on the right path with these three simple guidelines. 

Join the ranks of the thousands of other entrepreneurs who create a startup each year, and make your mark on the world. 

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